Monday, 11 February 2013

me and a pencil or two ...

I haven't drawn in a long time. When I was at school, I drew a lot, for pleasure as well as for lessons. I loved it. But somewhere along the way in life, I stopped drawing, always meaning to start again but never quite getting around to it. And then when I did get around to it, I'd reached the stage where it felt like I just couldn't do it anymore.

I took a few classes, drew a little, painted a little less. But I've still not found my groove again. I've still not got the love and ease of drawing back yet, despite a set of pencils, some cheap paints, and a couple of notebooks. I've yet to lose myself in it the way I used to.

Having said that, I found this sweet tutorial and took the advice of the creator of it - do it!

And I did it.

My drawing, without duck

Thank you, Isabelle, for inspiring me to do it!


  1. Hi Michele, your drawing is so sweet! My notebooks were also filled with small sketches ~ One should have a little sketch book, that would be af hand all the time ... I miss drawing too! Thanks for your inspiration - it's all about Doing It ;)

    1. Aw, thank you :) It really is about doing it - and not minding when things don't look too good!

  2. When I was kid, I used to draw too. I was even good at it and thought I might make a living through my drawings in the future... But I never happened. Now I hold a syringe instead of a pencil. I'm a nurse. :) I hope that talent never fades.

    Found you via blog hop.

    1. Nursing is a pretty fantastic talent to have - thanks for your comment, I'm glad you found my blog :)

  3. Aw, this is so cute! Love it! xxx

  4. That is simply adorable. I hope you find time each day to create a little....

    1. Thank you! I am trying to... thanks for the comment :)

  5. How sweet -- if I had ever had a little girl, this would be what she would look like. xo

  6. hi, thanks for visiting :) your drawing is cute! its funny because i went out and bought a little sketch pad and some coloured pencils this week in the hope that i might create someting :)

    1. Thank you so much! And, yes, spooky, and creative, coincidence - hope you get drawing soon :)

  7. oh my she is so so cute. you need to keep drawing.


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