Friday, 1 March 2013

March Blues

March Blues

Purple dress
£50 / $76 -

Gerard darel handbag
£415 / $630 -

Oxidized jewelry
£32 / $48 -

Stud earrings
£9 / $14 -

36cm 12 Head Purple/Blue Lilac Iris Bouquet Artificial Silk Flowers...

After a little hmming and harring, I've joined Polyvore and have been playing around with how I feel today - aware Spring is on its way (okay, it's officially here but since it's freezing cold, grey and raining, I'm content to stick with the it's-still-on-its-way theory), but also feeling a little melancholy after a tough week.

I hope the weekend is a little more Spring-like.


  1. Hi Michele, Those stud earrings with the bird are so sweet ... They'd be a lovely present! I need to check the store - If it's in UK the delivery would be within a few days.
    I hope you get a bit sun shine over there this weekend - a bright sun shine can make one's day. We've had also a period of grey and misty days, until yesterday started with bright sun shine - it lifted my mood up right from the morning (it's cloydy again, but I keep on going withe the solar -energy from yesterday :)

    1. The store is in the UK so it shouldn't take too long. Really pleased you like them, I thought they were so adorable.
      Still no sign of sun with me, but I loved your sunset photos on your blog - they were nearly a substitute for the real thing. Am so hoping for some sun to lift my spirits soon :)

  2. those little earrings are so sweet and i just love that bag! i am looking forward to spring too, like you i am tired of all the grey skies. i want color and flowers, it just makes me happier!

    1. This winter seems to have so very, very long... Am so looking forward to some brightness and warmth. I'm pretty in love with that bag to - or I was until I saw the price!
      Thanks for the comment, Christine :)


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